New LED Lamp Comments


The new Solaris LED lamps are coming on the market as discussed on the BRS Forum.

BE CAREFUL! The lifetime specified for LEDs is NOT time until burnout...that is substantially longer. LED lifetime is usually specified as time it takes for the LED to decrease in output power to some value. These LEDs look like they are made by LumiLeds, now a recent addition to Phillips Lighting. The LumiLed white LEDs are the best you can buy and the most powerful as far as output (Also the most $). Their lifespan is specified as 50,000 hours where lifespan is defined to be the number of hours until the output power decrease to 70% of the initial LED power ouput.

Output power is largely affected by packaging. Gels, glass, and other materials are used that are affected by the light over time. The packaging tends to yellow or decrease in light transmissivity which translates into decreased output power with age.

LumiLeds challenges ahead include manufacturing, yield, materials improvements required to lower the cost per LED to allow it to become cost effective over other forms of lighting. now that they were recently acquired by Phillips, this should happen faster. Although one of their presentations states that LEDs will be much more expensive than other forms of lighting for the next decade, at least. Not sure if this presentation was created before or after the merger.

LumiLeds website: LumiLeds Website
Also, watts per square meter rather than lumens is more important. Power density (within the optimum PAR bandwidth) is still higher for MH given that the LED fixture is so large which may make these fixtures impractical for large tanks.