New Live Rock from Timora Sea


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Just in! New Pacific Island Rock from Timora Sea.

This rock is really similar to Tonga Kaelini and Fiji. Looks like a nice cross of both with the good color of Tonga and nice shape of Fiji. The most noticeable features of this rock seems to be the life, it seems to be super fresh with plants and corals.

Here are some additional photo links to the rock. We got in a 350lb shipment. We literally just grabbed 3 pieces, took them out to the parking lot and put on white Styrofoam and snapped this off. So these are true raw images of the rock that just arrived.
Hi Jason,

The new Timora rock looks great! Is this rock light and porous? How does this rock compare to my favorite, Marshall Island LR. You have been out of stock of the MI for the last few months and the last I heard from Jeremy was that it wouldnt be available again until December. Is this still true or is the new Timora rock a replacement to the MI? The MI was light, porous and had great shapes. I also liked that it didnt have too much life. I'd rather it didnt since I dont want to introduce unwanted hitchhikers to my FOWLR system.

HI Gary,

It's pretty nice stuff. It's about the same density as Fiji and Tonga, so not super light like Marshall. It's up there on quality though, but I still like Marshall better.

Not sure how much longer to wait on Marshall. Sounds like we might get something going again in December but not sure.

Hi Jason,

Yeah, I've been holding out for the MI, but I'm not going to be able to wait any longer than the first week of December. Do you think you'll have a better idea in a couple of weeks when you'll have MI in stock again? Otherwise, I will have to bite the bullet and order the Timora or Tonga rock.

Thanks again!
Hi Gary,

Unfortuantely we have no idea. All I know is it's something to do with the Marshall Goverment, refiling permits or something. I've never it seen it take this long before though, usually they seem to shut down for a month a year to redo everything, but might be some other factors this time.
Hmm, that's a tough one. Tonga has been super good last few weeks. Tonga tends to fade some though in bright light, probably collected pretty deep, but then it bounces back.

I would have to see what Timora looks like after it's cured, because fresh rock can have all the good color and then not cure out with them and be more plain. So lets see how it looks in 1-2 weeks.

If i was to just choose right now though, i would probably go for Tonga because of the price difference, but if Timora cures out good, probably Timora would be my choice after Marshall.
Timor Sea is an arm of the Indian Ocean situated between the island of Timor.

Hi Jason,

Do you have anything new to report on the expected availability of Marshall Island rock? Are we still looking at sometime in December? How is the Timora rock looking now that you have had it for a couple of weeks?

Hi Gary,

Still the same news, talking December for Marshall. TImora is curing out nicely, not loosing much color. So it seems like really good rock. It's just not "different enough" compared to Tonga rock. So we sure miss Marshall, just so we have 3 really different types of rock.
Hi.. I thought some of you might want to see pics... I bought 15 pounds.








Sorry I know some of the pics are a little blurry but you get the idea. It looks awesome. Thanks, Premium Aquatics!
Hey Jason,

Do you have a favorite between the Kaelini and the Timora? Are they about equal as far as coloring, shapes, weight and hitchhikers? I really like the Marshall Island, but I dont know if and when this rock will be available again and I need some rock in the next week or so. I've been thinking about doing a mix of either Kaelini or Timora with MI if it ever becomes available again. What do you think? Would it be okay to top either the Kaelini or Timora with the MI? I dont know if one or the other would be a better top off or base rock. Let me know what you think.

It would be fine to mix any of these since they are all pacific island rocks.

I think I like the Timpora best right now (except for Marshall) but everyone has different taste. Most of the guys around the shop like Kaelini over the Timpora. I just think Timpora seems to be higher grade, probably because it's a new collection spot and just hasn't been harvested that much.
Hey Jason,

Its almost December so I'm hoping that means Marshall Island will be making a comeback! Sorry to be a pest, but what's the latest on MI? How is your current stock of Kaelini and Timora looking?


Still no word on Marshall, but we usually don't hear much from them, often we just get a fax with an airbill showing some rock is coming.

The Tonga rock is pretty low, probably about 400 lbs, getting another 1000 next week. Timora we have about 600 lbs now, been getting a little each week. It's still looking really nice.
Hey Jason,

How is your supply of Tonga and Timora looking this week? I will definitely be ordering rock this Wednesday for Friday delivery. I will need 40 pds. Maybe I will order half of the rock in Tonga and Timora and then wait for the Marshall to hopefully arrive in the next couple of weeks to complete/topoff my aquascaping.
Timora is still looking great and we now have cured and uncured available in Timora.

Tonga is good, but low amounts left, so probably mainly larger pieces left. We should have another shipment coming soon on Tonga.