NEW - Live support service


New member
Hi Everyone,

We are about to trial a new live support service. This will be run through a chat client. At present the trial run will be via MSN just to test the water. If all goes smoothly we will be advancing this to a more suitable chat client system.


Rules of engagement.

1. The minute we receive non professional conduct it will removed.
2. If we are available the status will state available
3. If dealing with support case the status will be busy however you can still ask for support and be given a queue number (how many in front)
4. It is not possible to answer all support case questions live, so you maybe referred back to
5. The service is not just to have a chat and say Hi (sorry)
6. To gain access you must email us at with your RC user name and your MSN email or username. We will then add you to our list and send an invite.

How long this stays active or how successful this is, depends on everyones approach to it.

We are putting our necks on the block here by offering such an open support service and really hope it is not open to abuse.
Ok I've got my ProfiLux and I'm STUCK! Now would be a GREAT time to test the "Live Support"....

I can't even get this thing hooked up from the beginning LOL!
I was stuck at "Power On" LOL but I now have the unit connected to my laptop and able to stumble my way around.

I'm only looking for Lighting (T5's & MH) and Lightning (simu-stick) today if possible.

Here is what I have going:

Controller Connected and Communicatiing with laptop
Lightning Stick connected to L1/L2
Powerbar6D-USA/CD connected to S1/S2

It doesn't matter which outlet on the powerbar I plug the cable into there is no COM light activity. I have the Powerbar also plugged into a power outlet.

I'm just hesitant to click on the "Digital" button in the software because it comes up with a warning that it will damage a NON-digital powerbar.

well as you have a digital power bar there is no harm ;)

For the power bar to work the digital power bar tab must be checked. For the COM cable it does not matter what western socket on the power bar you conect it to.

Make sure you are using the correct COM cable it has a black suppressor either end of it :)
Thanks Michael! I "ticked" that selecting and I'm CONTROLLING now :)

I'm now officially DANGEROUS :)

Thank you!!