New macroalgae shots!

Cody Ray

New member
Well, slowly but surly I have been adding and/or transplanting different macroalgae into my 29 gallon. So far I have a good growth of calurpa prolifera and just today I picked up some Botryocladia sp. After my trip to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point) I should have some sargassium and scroll algae.


A single 150W 20K coralife bulb. For the moment this is the only bulb I have, however I would like to move to a 10K bulb in the near future.
I just picked up this today, I believe it is dead mans finger algae, scientific name unknown to me :D



It is kind of dirty because I just finished installing a diy wet/dry filter.
wow i'm totally digging your setup :) looks very clean. love the sargassum thats growing in your tank! i have a small handful of sargassum that is growing back. i had a powerhead in a tank that shredded it to pieces a while back.