I received a catalog issue at my house and as I was flipping through the pages of stuff I was going to get, wanted to get, and wished I could get I noticed something awesome!
They were the Danner Mag Drive Pumps with a venturi/NW impeller under the "NEW 2008 Products" page. Does anybody know when they'll be available? Can the new nw impellers fit the old mag drive pumps? Any info would be appreciated.
Oh, just so there's NO confusion, I was NOT talking about the new HY-Drive pumps.
They were the Danner Mag Drive Pumps with a venturi/NW impeller under the "NEW 2008 Products" page. Does anybody know when they'll be available? Can the new nw impellers fit the old mag drive pumps? Any info would be appreciated.
Oh, just so there's NO confusion, I was NOT talking about the new HY-Drive pumps.