New multicontroller, whens it coming out in the uk?


New member
Just wondering if you know when the new multicontoller will be out in the uk as none of the retailers or TUNZE uk seem to know?

I don't know. It was my understanding 50 or so had been built and 10 came to the US. I think once more are built in the next few weeks they will be shipped to UK.
Cool thanx for that. Im hoping soon as mine broke the other day :(

thanx for all your help.

i have a eheim return pump in the sump and the controller was next to it, along with my transformer box and the circular bit.

The pump decided to push the return pipe off the pump so emptied half the sump onto the controller and one of the circular bits. And neither work now :(

The circular piece should be totally waterproof so I would imagine the driver is damaged (blue box). I was hoping it would be something I could help with but this sort of damage is not repairable. I have been their, in the future try using rigid PVC. The outlet of a 1060 or 1260 is 3/4" NPT and you can use a PVC fitting and then glue in a ridgid pipe for a return and avoid this mess in the future.
Yeah i thought it would be the blue box, but no its definately the black circular bit. As i have swapped that around with a different one and the pump worked, perhaps some water went down between the cable and attachment?

yeah i have got ridgid pipework now.

Hmm, I would check the terminals and try to figure out what is going on- center pole is neutral, outer poles are hot. On a 6000 you should get about 12 V touching the center pole and one outer pole witha voltmeter, check both poles. The 6100 will give you about 20V.
Hiya roger, i have just been home and checked with the streams that its the transfomers that isnt working :(

what do you mean about checking the poles?

The transformer is AC voltage, it has a neutral pole in the center and a hot pole on each side. A transformer failure is extremely rare, usually it is the driver (blue box)., check the voltage with a probe to the center and one of the outer poles, the check the other outer pole.
Sorry im really really stupid with electics.

So with a volt meter, i put one end in the centre hole? or do you want me to remove the sort of lid it has?

The lid should not come off, The transformer is the black hockey puck thing. One end in the center hole of the low voltage end and one end in the outer pole. You might just take it in to a dealer too.