New Naso Tang breathing heavy and not swimming much anymore


New member
Hello, I am new to the hobby and definitely have a lot to learn. I have a 210gal tank with only fish and live rock (and a starfish, urchins, and hermit crab)
I had a local aquarium service and maintenance shop come and show me around my tank, RO system, and checking my parameters.
He said my tank was good but I needed to lower salinity. I only had an adult blue hippo tang in at that point. Over the next about 4 weeks I lowered the salinity with water changes. He said after that I could add more fish. He got me a juvenile flame angel and juvenile emperor angel, and a medium naso tang. My naso was good at first, swimming around, kind of intimidating my blue tang. I have not seen him eat except for picking at the live rock. After a week (about 3-4 days ago) he started to get a little white around her lips. Then swimming erratically, now will barely swim around, staying on the bottom and is breathing heavy.
My parameters seem good.
Should I quarantine?
What are your water parameters? Specifically:
- ammonia
- nitrite
- nitrate
- pH

What temperature are you keeping the tank?

What specific gravity? You mentioned the store had you lower it. What was it at before and what is it now?