It is February 1st and time to kick off the monthly photo contest. We have decided to change it up just a bit. At the end of the year I hope everyone is excited about the finished product. Some of the same rules from the past will still apply like must be a member to participate, last submitted photo by member counts, and time frame of contest. Really two changes to the format. Check it out.
Topics and themes. I realize this can be tuff and in the past led to fewer submitted photos. What we would like to see this time around is your best reef related tank shot taken by you the member. If it is in a member’s tank and you took it submit away. Have a cool coral pic, your fish like to pose, or proud of you rock work start clicking. If you think you have taken the coolest pic of your tank ever you might have a winner.
Your probably wondering what we mean about finished product. What we want to do is submit these photos to print a SLASH club calendar for the year 2008. I understand we are a little late on this one for January. What we would like to do is something on Brooke for that month. There has been such an over whelming response to get Brooke her Nemo tank. We think it would only be appropriate to make January 08 her month. It has been awesome to see the local and some distant reefers come together to make a dream come true.
Because we would like to print SLASH club calendars. All photos submitted must be high resolution. So try and take pics with the highest setting your camera has. This might cause problems for some with hosting photos on the net. Just contact us and we can figure out a way to get it done.
Voting each month will be through the www.slashclub.org site via a poll. Make sure your login/password credentials are up to date. If you haven’t already please check out the new site.
Topics and themes. I realize this can be tuff and in the past led to fewer submitted photos. What we would like to see this time around is your best reef related tank shot taken by you the member. If it is in a member’s tank and you took it submit away. Have a cool coral pic, your fish like to pose, or proud of you rock work start clicking. If you think you have taken the coolest pic of your tank ever you might have a winner.
Your probably wondering what we mean about finished product. What we want to do is submit these photos to print a SLASH club calendar for the year 2008. I understand we are a little late on this one for January. What we would like to do is something on Brooke for that month. There has been such an over whelming response to get Brooke her Nemo tank. We think it would only be appropriate to make January 08 her month. It has been awesome to see the local and some distant reefers come together to make a dream come true.
Because we would like to print SLASH club calendars. All photos submitted must be high resolution. So try and take pics with the highest setting your camera has. This might cause problems for some with hosting photos on the net. Just contact us and we can figure out a way to get it done.
Voting each month will be through the www.slashclub.org site via a poll. Make sure your login/password credentials are up to date. If you haven’t already please check out the new site.