New picture of my clam tank


Premium Member
There is a picture of my clams - with pump on - I think it is neat to see the ripple and I don't have to worry about focus.
<img src="" align="left" hspace="10"> Egad! Is this a personal tank? That is an amazing collection of clams. I sure would love to see a closeup of that one in the bottom left corner of the first picture if you have one. I've been looking for something unusual with green for a while now. Just breathtaking!
........IF IT IS a personal tank, why the seperate containers for the different stuff? And, THAT IS ALOT of CLAMS!!!!!!!......H.I.D...KEVIN........OVER...........
The trays are there to hold gravel. Tank is a custom tank purchased from Harboar Aquatic at recent MACNA. It was JT and Joy's sale tank. There were two. I bought one. I bought the trays as well so that clams can be placed closer to the light - without worrying about set them on uneven live rock. I did not like placing clams on live sand. There is also a stand that 'lift' the trays closer to the light.

I added some landscape with minimal live rock and SPS - otherwise - yeah - this would look like a holding tank instead of a personal tank.

Here is a picture of the tank



Very nice Peter,
What type of lighting is that and the stand that holds it? Did it come with the tank? I haven't seen anything like that.
Hi Flameangel-
bottom left corner is pictured below. It is a Crocea.


Nek - I use both Calcium reactor and Nielson reactor (from My reef creation)

LotR Clown - it is Aquaspace light. no idea on the stand - JT of Harbor Aquatic built it.
This is the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. Is that a pair of SeaSwirls on the end of the tank? Is that a macro algae refugium below in the stand? I guess you wouldn't need a skimmer or much for filtration.

Thanks for the closeup of the crocea, it's spectacular! I'm going to send it to my favourite clam dealer and ask him to keep a lookout for something similar. I love the pattern and contrasting colours!
Hi Flame Angel -

Yes, i just added a pair of 3/4 seaSwirl at the end. I like them better than powerhead, and they should be more reliable than those that do not use electricity. I have an rotating device (from oceancurrent??) that always get stuck. I push it and it spins a bit..only to get stuck again.
Yes, I keep an ecosystem refugium under the stand. I have all sort of macro algae going there. But I also keep a Euro Reef CS8-2 protein skimmer - that works very well. I rather over skim and underskim - because besides clams - I'm trying to get SPS to grow also.
Tank is still new (purchased last Septemer) - so I guess time will tell how good this system is.

how many gallons is that tank all together??

btw, i have an aquaspacelight, and i thought it was a bit too yellow, so i added to 110 watt actinic vho bulbs, and it is the perfect color, i think you would get better color out of your clams and sps as well, you should consider it.

great tank, that is incredible, i have never seen anything like it. is there any live rock in there or is at all a rack system?
hate to bug ya, but if you get some time could you post some closeups of your clam section a bit more, i would also like to see pics of your sps section and your plumbing, if you get some free time to snap some pix.


Kozmo -
Yes, I think aquaspacelight's actinic is inadequate and I would like to know how you added 110 watt actinic vho bulbs. What does it look like in the fixture? Do you have a photo?

I'm compromising on the look of fixture and light quality. I think the light is too 'white' - very little blue.
Nonetheless - I'm happy with the setup that I can look at the clam from top. My other fish tank - I would have to climb a ladder. ;)
Yep, I'll take more pictures this weekend.
hey, i didnt add the VHO's into the aquaspacelight, i bought 2 48 inch VHO's and ballast from and hooked them up on my tank, so the aquaspacelight hangs from the roof, and the VHO's are mounted right above the tank, it looks great, since the VHO's have their own reflector in the bulb, i just balanced them on top of the tank, this would work for you as well, however your tank seems quite wide, so you may need a few VHO's, and it wouldnt look as good either, the VHO's would block a lot of your viewing room.

for your scenario, i would consider maybe adding 1 or 2 Radium pendants and see if that 20,000k halide gives you a better coloration. and that way it wouldnt block your view either
Hey kozmo02,
Tank is 150 gallon (3 x 5 feet), sump and refugium adds about another 20-30 gallons.
I cannot add a pendant to ceiling over tank because there is a ceiling fan above the tank.
I'll see if I can build some bracket that can hold 2 VHO lamp. However, I would rather live with current light than adding extra light that would make the whole setup look unattractive.
Spectacular tank!!! Great work!!!

I have the spacelight too, and its visual color spectrum is a personal preferance. The only reason I added a powercompact is for more subduded lighting before the lights kick on, and before the tank goes dark. I saw these lights in action at a LFS, and loved them from the start --- good looking too.

Mike :cool:
would it be rude to ask how much the tank was? :)
i'm going to use this thread to try to talk my LFS into setting up something similar.

-about adding to the lights, i have the same fixture and have been thinking about adding 2 VHO's as 'pontoons' made from 4" or so PVC split in half (or something like that) attached to outriggers anchored by the screws holding the spacelight's endcaps on.