New set up need input


Ok so I'm in the process of setting up my new tank. It's going to be a 150 tall. Which makes it 48"L x 24"D x 30"H with a single overflow. Now the overflow will be a herby style overflow to improve the circulation. Now here is my question. I have a Reeflow super dart gold and would like to use it since I already have it. I know it produces like around 4000gph but I only want one pump in the tank. With a manifold. Going to run a dual reactor, UV, maybe bio pellet, and split 2 returns. If I could I would even like to run my skimmer off of this pump. What do you guys think?
That's what I was thinking or at worst have a 3rd return back into the sump so it would release some of the pressure from dialing back the pump.
I run 2 of these on my 540.....they are 4300 ea......I run a fluidized bed filter and the manifolds off the overflow by back pressuring with gravity alone ....both pumps run wide open fliping about 7000gph threw the sump and I have to dial down the overflow as the coast to coast and plumbing can out run both pumps....

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I run 2 of these on my 540.....they are 4300 ea......I run a fluidized bed filter and the manifolds off the overflow by back pressuring with gravity alone ....both pumps run wide open fliping about 7000gph threw the sump and I have to dial down the overflow as the coast to coast and plumbing can out run both pumps....

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Matt- It seems like your running 12.9x your tank volume through your sump (at 7000gph), which is good. I m almost sure the recommended is 10-20 x tank volume for filtration thru sump. So for him on a 150, 4300 would be 28x, so he does indeed need to slow it down some. :p
I'll trade ya that reeflo for a panworld 200, 1700GPH. Not only would it fit your tank perfect, you'll use less power. No sense in putting a 4000GPH pump only to slow it down.

Let me know, I"ll trade and throw you some cash.
Ed I would not toggle it back at all if possible at first he will need see how it operates because you are not taking into account the head loss for his plumbing, the manifolds/reactors and the constraints of his overflow......these naturally will toggle things back to a lower flow....his plumbing and overflow are not set up to outdo that pump unless he changes some things up.........I specifically designed things to allow the pumps to run completely unrestrained .........

on a secondary note this pump is one of the best on the market and wouldn't trade it out as it should come with a 5 year warranty and is one of the most efficient pumps in its will give you multiple options that a smaller one will not, keep it, set it up, get it running, and go from there, you will be surprised everything you will be able to accomplish with it
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Would consider using a second overflow as backup, one overflow is dangerous

Also, the dart pump is probably going to be too big for your sump. 4000 GPS thru a small sump is going to give you a niagra falls sound from all the rushing water and possibly micro bubbles from your skimmer. Talk to Biggar, he is using a similar pump on his setup
Dave its only niagra falls if its set up incorrectly ....I'm assuming he is going to be running a silent and failsafe setup if not as stated above tuning it with all the manifolds and different valves will easily be dropping this flow down......dialing back is always easier than streatching for more flow that doesn't exist .....look at Steve's setup its running super efficiently through the usr of dual hang on box overflow not that I would advocate planning it like this but with the use of proper valves and applications you have all the flow and pressure you will ever need.......planning will be the key

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Dave its only niagra falls if its set up incorrectly ....I'm assuming he is going to be running a silent and failsafe setup if not as stated above tuning it with all the manifolds and different valves will easily be dropping this flow down......dialing back is always easier than streatching for more flow that doesn't exist .....look at Steve's setup its running super efficiently through the usr of dual hang on box overflow not that I would advocate planning it like this but with the use of proper valves and applications you have all the flow and pressure you will ever need.......planning will be the key

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Like Matt said, the Pump has been working great for me, Goes up about 6' and I have 3 outlets on my manifold. Right now I use one for my Carbon Reactor, I have one closed and the Third one I keep fully open and run a line to the first section of my sump this way I don't have to throttle back the pump as much!! I would still say I throttle it back at least 25%.

Using the HOB dual overflow at first I did have the gargling Niagra falls sound, but fixed that very easily by buying silencers online for about 20 bucks and now it is as quiet as can be! I have a bunch of different safety features to make sure there is no overflows!! Although I do need to add one more just in case.

Matt I need your Acrylic Handy work as I want to make a larger custom overflow , give me a shout when you get back in town , please!!:thumbsup:
Would consider using a second overflow as backup, one overflow is dangerous

Also, the dart pump is probably going to be too big for your sump. 4000 GPS thru a small sump is going to give you a niagra falls sound from all the rushing water and possibly micro bubbles from your skimmer. Talk to Biggar, he is using a similar pump on his setup

I double second that. Second overflow that can handle all drainage if/when one becomes clogged, especially at 4,000gph! :eek1:

I use the slowest flow that can effectively skim the surface of the water in the display tank. If the tank is really leveled, it takes very little gph. I notice my skimmer works better, there is less sound without tons of contraptions to quiet down the system, less splash, less bubbles, most importantly, less energy consumed.
A pump runs 24/7, that's a constant energy hog. Can be even worst energy hog than your lighting :hmm5:
Like Matt said, the Pump has been working great for me, Goes up about 6' and I have 3 outlets on my manifold. Right now I use one for my Carbon Reactor, I have one closed and the Third one I keep fully open and run a line to the first section of my sump this way I don't have to throttle back the pump as much!! I would still say I throttle it back at least 25%.

Using the HOB dual overflow at first I did have the gargling Niagra falls sound, but fixed that very easily by buying silencers online for about 20 bucks and now it is as quiet as can be! I have a bunch of different safety features to make sure there is no overflows!! Although I do need to add one more just in case.

Matt I need your Acrylic Handy work as I want to make a larger custom overflow , give me a shout when you get back in town , please!!:thumbsup:

sure thing I will be home on sat.....