new sprung book

It's a good book but no really new insight IMO. I bought it mainly because I have 1 and 2 and wanted the equipment info for a new tank I am planning. It is an excellent book for someone new that's setting up a tank. I have not had a chance to read the whole thing yet and I tend to be somewhat of a perfectionist so take my comments with a grain of salt:)

I got this book in January 29, since that I have been reading carefully every page, men you learn a lot in every single page.

I highly recommend getting it.
I haven't gotten the new book.So some folks here mentioned newest updates?So what is new that's really in there?Not to be down on the book.Just haven't heard raved views about it.It seems anything new to the hobby,it would be posted here on RC somewhere?I like to hear these new updated details,before even thinking about buying it.It just seems some of these books are out there.Always awesome pictures of corals,that we will never see in the hobby.Is it more of a picture book?Or different methods of reefkeeping? Because basically we been doing the same thing,now for many years.And it works....
Its a collection of alot of things that is known ..... nothing really new .... but a very good reference .....

It has alot of opinions (that is why I like reading what Sprung writes) ... whether right or wrong it gets you thinking.
That's cool ;) Anything in there about the new Zeovit Method?Or the other new product,that's like Zeo?Not that I'm going there.But it's been a big hit in Europe.It just a totally new way of reefkeeping.
The third book, the whole series really, is a great referance with science based explinations. It has a wounderful chapter on lighting with uptodate info on t5 and LEDs as well as MH systems.
the series is great for those who have to know the "whys" and "hows" of reef aquarium keeping. for those who are realy interested in the science of it all, the series can also be used as a lit. review of the major reviewed works that have been published in major journals. the series is the most complete set available on the subject IMO.