I also dose Coral Colors - 3ml every Wens and Sat. I have a 90G system with 30L Sump - The only coral color I don't dose @ 3ml is C (Fe) which I dose at ml. Reason is that my Greens in my corals are already super bright.
Normally I would not dose anything without a test kit, but things only seem to be getting better. I am going to get the CC test kit this week to see how close my levels are and to make sure I am not going over.
I am also interested in the Reef Energy A & B, but have not purchased it yet. I run my levels at Alk 7-7.5, Calc 410-420, Mag 1425-1440, Phos Always under 0.03 unless I scrap my ATS clean - and Nitrates are always 0 even though I dose "Flourish Nitrogren" @ 10ml 2 times a week. My goal is to get my NO3 to 1-2ppm always.