New stag not looking good


Active member
I just got a lot of Acros at a frag swap Sunday and am trying to convert from a mix of everything to mostly SPS. I had some Acro in the tank before, but this is mostly new for me.

One of my favorite pieces is a bright aqua stag. It broke into 3 pieces on the way home. The smallest piece bleached completely and looks dead. The largest piece is turning somewhat grey, is bleaching a little, and has less PE than the medium. The medium looks great.

All 3 are under the same light and flow (and slightly less light than the tank they came from). I really want to keep this coral, and would hate to lose the largest piece.

Most of the other acros still look good, nothing bleaching noticeably, some some don't have good PE yet.

Is my coral dying, or just adjusting?

How long do Acropora typically take to adjust before you know if they will start growing in the new tank?

Is there anything I can do, or should I just wait?