New tank cycle question.


New member
I started a fishless cycle yesterday on a 15 nano with 15# live sand and 16# dry rock. I think the ammonia, nitrite and nitrates are working as it should at this stage. Amm 2.0 Nitrite 5.0 Nitrate 0 Salinty 35
I'm wondering about my ph/alk levels. I'm currently reading Ph 7.9 and Alk 1.0. Which both seem low. Will these start to rise as cycle continues or do I need to buffer them up? Water was bought at LFS.
Let’s start with a bit more info. Do you know what salt your LFS uses to make the water? How are you testing pH and Alk. IMO Alk at 1 and pH at 7.9 in my limited chemistry knowledge should be impossible.
Instant Ocean Reef Crytals. Using Ati Ammonia test and Sailfert nitrite/nitrate and Seachem Ph/alk tests. I goofed up I guess. I read my alk later and it read about the same as my ph 7.8. I put a 1/4 tsp of Seachem Marine 8.3 buffer into my 20oz. Auto topoff gravity feed thing. I'll do that until I get to 8.3. I'm going to grab a beer and recheck everything in a bit. My ammonia went from 2.0 last night to 0.5 this evening. I tested that 3x because I couldnt believe it. I expect my nitrites should be much higher tonight. And hopefully some nitrates in the mix now. Got my lites in today and got it going. Trying to figure out my Spectral controller. I'm really glad I'm getting back in. Forgot home much I enjoyed it. Hopefully things come back to me the more I do.


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Looks like you’re progressing good. Patience, nothing good happens fast in this hobby.
Thanks. Yes sir, I remember that much. I hate putting in any thing with even an 90-10 odds of killing it. I'll add me a cleanup crew after a mini cycle and get some pods and get the lights going a bit. And start feeding some inverts then get me a clown and another small fish or 2. Light bio and get ready for my corals.
Tonight my nitrites went up to 20
My nitrates are at 20. Both jumped 15-20.
Ph still 7.9 Looks like alk is still came up to 8.0. What's a better brand for Ph/Alk. The color of the ph is so light on my test it's hard to read either really. Appreciate the help.
I went and bought both ph and alk tests by Salifert. Omg. Night and day. Way easier to use and read. I can see clearly now my ph is 8.15 and alk is at 12. Not as concerned as I was. My ammonia has dropped to .025 and both nitrite/nitrate is at 30. When I get those #s down I'm going to do a water change and get a cleanup crew and some pods and feed a half cube of mysis a couple times in a week and if everything thing looks good still then add a small clown and a week later a tiny 6 line wrasse. About the only other thing I want is a goby or a blenny but I'll let my sand bed mature a bunch before that.