New Tank setup question (another reef tank)


New member
It has been a while since I had setup a new tank, and was wondering a few things. This is for a new 20L that is going to replace a 10g, which is going to be turned into a very tiny prop tank to populate my new tank.

1) Cycling process - Hook up refugium during this process? (I use Aquaclear 110's I modify for refugiums, work awsome for the little room you have)

2) Curing LR - 22lbs for a 20L, will 3 MaxiJet 1200 be sufficient?

3) Lighting - Since I am stuck with PC (MH run too hot and heat my basment, currently running AC in the middle fo winter to keep basment cool), can I keep slightly more light requierment stuff since the 20L and lower than my 20H with PCs? (my 20H has 1 Deresa Clam in it and a BUNCH of Rics, Zoo's, Leathers, Star Polyps, Brains, and Pagodas). The Light I have comming is an Aqualight 130W (65w 10,000k and 64W Actinic which is 30" long).

4) Flow - For the tank, I'm going to have a remora and Aquaclear mainly for flow issues, but will also have a MaxiJet 1200 flowing laterally across the tank, will that suffice?

5) Sand bed - Right now my LFS sell this packed live sand (like it a lot), how many lbs will I need for a 1-2 1/2" bed? THey only sell 10 and 20lbs (I have 5 lbs I got left over in Ziplock baggies).

6) Lunar Light - Are these things worth it (in my opinion I got it cheaper than without the lunar lights, built into the PC comming in 2 days)

It has been almost 2 years since I had addressed these issues on my 20H, thought they were behind me, but I guess they always re-appear some day!

That is basically it, and was wondeirn what everyone thinks, I have 2 days to get my act together since thats when my LR arrives :p
Weeellll... where to start:) .....

1: I would cycle with the fuge.... I did with my 37gal after starting over and I think if it's going to be a part of the system, it's "got" to be a part of the system....

2: The 1200's will definately be sufficient for that purpose... I would also look into purchasing Hydor deflectors for the mj's... again, I've got them on my 1200's and like the alternating flow that they provide.... kind of a cheap wavemaker....

3: I've got 130watts of PC's running on my 37gal and it's enough for what I've got ( LPS and Softies )... If you plan on SPS, then you will have to have more lighting....

4: Flow rate is all relative to what you plan on having in the tank... You'll have to do the research on that one.....;)

5: Sand bed and how much is also to your liking.... I can tell you that they recommend 1 to 2 lbs/gal... When I redid my 37gal, I pushed all of my live sand to the front and left none under the LR in the tank... I also put a mj600 on the back wall behind the LR blowing straight up the back to help eliminate any dead space where dutritus could accumulate.... I also went with a 2mm grade of sand ( It's called "sellect grade" by Aragalive )....Again personal preference...

6: My 30" light fixture came with two 460nm lunar lights and I like them... It's been said that it mimics closer to the natural side of things and could help promote spawning in corals.... I personally like the look and I do think it's beneficial..... Up to you but I'd say: "Get them" .... All three of my tanks have them and I would not have it any other way.... I just like the look....

Good luck and I hope you find this helpful.... My tank is doing great by the way so....

Thanks, right now I'm getting a headache from my 20H (very little ground room). That's why I'm going to a 20L for my 2nd tank. THe Lunar lights on this fixture are LED's, maby it will help with the coral growth like you said. Actually this tank is being built around a Gold Stripped Maroon Clown since it kind of outgrew my 10 gallon. Maby I'll try some Aqua scaping with this one.

Kind of hard staring at a 20L with a Remora protein skimmer on it, and nothing else, hope everything arrives before my LR :p

I hope this tank will be as clear as my 20H, and nice. Right now the only problem I have with my 20H is making RO/DI water for a water change, and filling this tank.
How did you modify the Aquaclears, to make them Refugiums? Just run them without filter inserts and mabye put a screen or something on top to keep the algea, etc from flowing into the tank? And a light? Or did you do anything else to them? Do you have any pics? I was thinking of buying a hang on fuge but this might be cheaper :)