Here's how the tank looks after the re-do. I've mostly got my colors back now, although a few ( bananaberry & texas pink stag) are taking their sweet time.
I guess it's about time to break the news. Shortly after I took these pictures, I started suffering bouts of coral recession and general malaise in the tank. This would have been late May-June. I did everything I could think of to stop it, and those who know me know that I am not lax about water quality. It would happen every few weeks no matter what I did. Fast-forwarding to around Halloween of this year finds my neighbors who moved in around early spring of 2013 being arrested for running a meth lab in their garage, which sits below and slightly to the right of my bedroom ( where I keep my tank). I have draw fans pushing air from outside into my room almost constantly, so it's almost certain that I was getting a lot of fumes. This would explain my almost non-stop respiratory problems throughout the year. At this point, my tank is completely destroyed. All remaining living corals have been chipped off the rocks and given to friends who were available on short notice for safekeeping. Here's the last picture I took before things really went south. As you can see, some corals were already dead at this point.
I'm going to take a break for a little while. It's been close to 15 years now, I'm a-tired.
That sucks, man. Enjoy your break from all the water changes and testing, I'm sure you'll be back soon. Like Jim, if there's anything in my tank I can give you you're welcome to it.
Thanks so much. I must admit I have been blessed with many good friends thanks to my reef tank. I'm just taking a break until I can clean and re-do the tank with new live rock. Possibly upgrade to something in the 160 gal range as well.
I'm happy with my homemade live rock. If you really set your mind to a future upgrade, then leave yourself time to make and cure the rock. I think it avg out to $0.15/lbs and I mad some neat shelves the way I wanted it to look. Best wishes in the meantime.
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