New tank! Suggestions


New member
I just ordered a 230 gallon 6 foot Platinum Pro aquarium from Waterbox. Sump included and separate Top off tank. Haven't started it yet. What would you do if you had the chance to start from scratch. Money not an issue. I have been reefing for 10 years. First with a small nano and for the last 5 with a Biocube 40 gal variety. Must haves! Wouldn't touch! Shoot em at me!

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I've been using Marinepure blocks for almost 2 years now with excellent nitrate control. After being dissatisfied with bio pellets, I strarted an algae scrubber a couple of months ago to control the hair and turf types, and so far seen very promising results. My Bubble Magus protein skimmer continues to keep going and going, although the proponents of algae scrubbers say I'll eventually be able to do remove it from my system.
I've also had 2 reef octopus RODC pumps for a while (older version of their Varios line) and they've been very reliable, quiet, and easy to clean. As I am frequently out of town on business, I use two for redundancy and piece of mind.
Flow control-wise, my two Maxpect 250 gyres have been great. They do require careful breakdown and reassembly to maintain, as it is VERY easy to cause damage and/or put them back together incorrectly. I believe that is the biggest reason why some complain they are noisy. For myself, I'm very pleased with the pumps and the ability to customize my flow.
Thanks I'm still looking. Ordered some things during sales yesterday but with his "œMAP" pricing a lot of stuff was not included.

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Bean Animal Drain system -- backround in the color of your choice -- wide slots in the overflow box(es) or just closer together.
Either a Red Dragon return pump or an Abyzz, reliable Quiet & NO heat transfer if run internally. Royal Exclusive or ATB skimmer. Neptune controller, Tunze power heads & ATO.
One of the Roller Mat devices in the sump.
I could go on --
So specifically on the roller mat? There are a few bad reviews about the theiling but BRS raves about them and I also saw the KLIR. Any thoughts on which one.

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So far I have l: vectra M1 return pump, 2 Vortech MP40, 3x radion XR30 and mounts, Quantum 160 skimmer, 7 stage RODI (chloramines instead of chlorine) in my town, Apex ATK, seneye, a reef Link (it came free with the other eco tech stuff) I'm going to get the Apex Neptune controller.

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Klir is brand new & can be retrofitted to existing sumps.
Theiling as I understand needs more room.
I have neither so can't comment any further.
Thanks if you have a roller mat that works and you like I'm all ears.

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