new tank what fish to get first ?

sm fragman

New member
tank has been up and running now for about 2.5 weeks still have a nother month to go before i will put anything in the tank but clean up crew ,,but i was thinking of starting out wiht some anthias should i go with a ciouple bartletts or a couple lyretails what do you geys think ,,i have a 95 gallon cube 3=2=2 open rock work sps system lots of flow
Do something easy. I think anthias are going to be a big step up from nothing. Start small and then in a couple months get them.
Re: new tank what fish to get first ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6790256#post6790256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sm fragman
tank has been up and running now for about 2.5 weeks still have a nother month to go before i will put anything in the tank but clean up crew ,,but i was thinking of starting out wiht some anthias should i go with a ciouple bartletts or a couple lyretails what do you geys think ,,i have a 95 gallon cube 3=2=2 open rock work sps system lots of flow

whats lots of flow? some peopel think 1000gph is lots of flow. give more info on tank
1200gph from return and 2 6000 tunzes so that is about a 50 to 55x turn over rate in the tank trunst me thins are a turnin

3=2=2 do some people just not know how to read dimentions
3 feet long 2 feet wide 2 feet deep

i should have known better i asked a striat forward ? and get nothing but crap back
thanks bud but i have had cromis before to plain ,,that is why i asked out of which 2 types of anthias would i be better going with ,,,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6792450#post6792450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by minimalist
He was just being technical. Your tank's not a perfect cube.
Neither are most of the tanks being called cubes.

I'd stay away from the anthias until you're sure the tank is stable. Its borderline size for having more than 1, and they need to be fed often, and are finicky. Go with an easy, peaceful fish first. What are you thinking about having in the tank?
thinking of having a couple of anthias maybe 1 bangi cardnal,1 6 line rasse and after about 4 or 5 months after everything is stable i will then add a brown or powder blue tang ,,had both of these fish in the past and loved then bothe ,,