New Tank


New member
Hey Jeremy this is Shane Wise. I need some advice. I am planning a new 125 in the next month or so. Thinking of drilling two over flows in the back glass top corners, hard plumbed to maybe a 30gallon sump 10 gallon fuge. Wanting to split the return to both ends of the tank for maximum flow. Wanting to later add a tunze on each end, but for now the return will be the flow in the tank. I have had allot of luck with the mag 950 in my 55, it has been running for over five years and puts out decent flow. Was wondering about the mag 24 or 36. The 950 has been dependable and runs pretty quiet in the sump would either of these pumps be a good choice for this set up, or do you recomend another pump in this price range for the set up. Also what size bulk heads would I need to use? There will probably be three 90's in the line before it hits the sump. The 55 has a titamium heater and has also never had a problem which one and what size do you recomend for this tank? Your advice has been helpful in the past and I am trying to take my time and plann this tank completely out before I get started on it. Thanks!
The larger Mag pumps throw off a lot more noise and heat than what the smaller ones do. I would recommend going with some external. If that is not doable then you might just want to double up on the smaller Mag's, like 2 x 950's.

I would recommend using at least 1" drain bulkheads. You could put in 1.5" if you feel that you will be going with a lot of turnover through the tank. If you are adding the Tunzes later on you shouldn't need that much flow through the sump though.

On the heater I would recommend using a 300w. You could also use a couple smaller heaters instead of one larger one if you want to be redundant with it.

Actually after doing a little research now I am leaning towards the sequence dart or snapper. If i put a valve on the return line of the dart would it hurt it if I needed to turn it down if it was to much flow. Planning on using a seperate chamber for the protien skimmer and a seperate tank for the refuge plumbed into about a 30 gallon or so sump. Do you know anything about either of these pumps? The tank will be in my main LVroom so noise is an issue. Will probably use two 200 watt heaters then on seperate ends of sump in case one ever failed. Will this work?
The Snapper would be awesome on that tank. Those pumps are rock solid, and in my opinion one of the best, if not the best lines on the market. You can valve any of them back with absolutely no effect at all. It actually helps the pump in the long by turning a little less rpm, prolonging the life of it. It also cuts back on seal wear since it will be turning a little slower, and it pulls less power.
This might be a silly question i just ordered two 1.5 bulkheads from you all, shoulld the hole size be exactly 1.5 or a little bigger. I am planning on dropping off the tank today at the glass cutter's shop? Thanks

Who is doing your glass cutting and what are they charging you? I'm needing some cut for my sump and may possible get a couple of holes drilled.

Delaware Glass in Muncie has my tank now they cut my other one about 5 years ago. They usually charge less than 40$ per hole
Hey Jeremy I got my tank back today, the bulkheads fit perfect. I am now planning out the sump. I am planning to use the sequence dart as a return throttled down a bit. I saw that the intake is a 2in line. Could you tell me what size hole I need to have drilled for the 2in bulkhead you sell. Also is the shop open this Saturday, I may be in town. Do you guys have any of that really fine dry sand in stock the 20$ kind