New to a large tank


New member
I recently got a 210, it is a RR and has a solid oak stand and canopy. I am trying to decide on the lighting. Because of the canopy, MH is prob. out, the canopy is only 6" tall as it sits, I could shim it up another 2" but that is it an loosing it is not an option, it was required by my wife to make it look better in our living room. I have found a couple T5 options that might work but I dont know if they will give me enough light to keep the corals I want. I plan on keeping Zoa's, Shroom, Ric's, Leathers, Brains, "maybe" pink birdsnest and a monti and I would like a clam or 2. The lights I am looking at are a Nova Extreme Pro, either a single 72" or 2 x 36", either would give me 12 x 39 watt HO bulbs and the other 2 are no name brands, 1 is a fixture that has 8 x 80 watt T5 and the last is a retro 10 x 80 T5. I have also started looking into VHO kits. I hops someone can point me in a direction that will help me decide, my budget is around $650 which all the ones I mentioned fit into as well as some VHO kits I have seen. I would be willing to do MH retro in the canopy and install fans if that will work as well, but they will only be about 7"-8" above the water in the canopy so not sure if that will work.

Thanks in advance for any help and advise.
I have a 75 gallon tank, and have been contemplating vho+halides vs. t5's for quite some time now.

To answer your question, the t5 fixtures you are considering would be alright for the zoas, shrooms, ric's, leathers, and brains. As for the sps you would want to place them as close to the top as possible, and the clams might end up being light starved at the bottom of your 29" tall tank. I would try to go for the fixture that was 8x80 or 10x80 bulbs instead of the 12x39 - as this would give you more headway for adding more sps in the future.

There is a big debate about sps growth in t5 vs halide tanks, but IMO there is no question about halides performance.

If you can build a new top for the stand or find a way to ventilate it better, I would go with this combination of lighting:



The electronic halides will put out less heat, and if you get a nice reflectors, you may be able to get away with 2 bulbs, not 3.

Hope this helps and good luck!