New to Cuttlefish, 1st time foods?


Mantis Shrimp Addict
Greetings, i just bought eggs from BlueZoo...

(Just looking at the eggs any idea of what kind? by any chance...)

...and i did some research and Mysid Shrimp seems to be the option to go for first time feeding. If they hatch i read i have 24 hours to provide them food, correct?

Is there any substitution to Mysids for first time feed? Could i use large copepods? Like Tigger-Pods, Tigriopus califoricus? or even Saltwater Amphipods?

I plan to put them eventually in my 55 gallon 'fuge' Display Tank

Would this be okay? Any tips and or suggestion would be most welcomed.
I have fed my cuttles Munnid Isopods which I get from my reef tank. The Munnids are herbivores so if you let a liitle algae grow on the side of your reef or refuge you will most likely see some. Small fish fry also work. I have not tried brine shrimp since I read they don't do well with them. Amphi's are hard for cuttles to catch but I have a trick, place the amphi's in very cold fresh waterfor a minute then place it close to the cuttle as it starts to come back to life the cuttle may eat him. Good luck!
I have fed my cuttles Munnid Isopods which I get from my reef tank. The Munnids are herbivores so if you let a liitle algae grow on the side of your reef or refuge you will most likely see some. Small fish fry also work. I have not tried brine shrimp since I read they don't do well with them. Amphi's are hard for cuttles to catch but I have a trick, place the amphi's in very cold fresh waterfor a minute then place it close to the cuttle as it starts to come back to life the cuttle may eat him. Good luck!

Thank you for the tips! I have a high access to saltwater Amphipods but would they be nutritious enough? I can get Miysids but it won't be regular. So is there away to keep Mysids in the Refugium you think? I read in other places its a mix debate, shrugs.
i want to try raising cuttles as well but the feeding requierments are whats stoping me.
i've read that the misids are canibalistic so it's hard to keep them alive and i've read that they only become canibalistic if you don't keep them well fed wich i think you'd want to do if your useing them for feeders.
from what i've read on here the only peapole who had sucess raising the babbies are those who had a ready suply of mysids.
At the Seattle Aquarium, we put live brine in the breeder net with the babies. Not sure if they receive other foods as well. Good luck.
I will also be testing out Molly fry raised on a diet of cyclopeeze, Nutramar OVA, oyster eggs, Dan's feed and nori. Not sure how the molly's will work but spearing fry work great but are seasonal and only work if you are close to a source (bay, canal...)

Figuring out a quality food source that's easily obtainable seems to be the biggest issue trying to keep ceph's! Hopefully with the help of this site and other's like it we will figure it out soon!
Munnid Isopod's is the closest I've come to maintaining a culture I can raise S. Bandesis on. The trick is to get the ceph's on shore shrimp as quick as possible.
i want to try raising cuttles as well but the feeding requierments are whats stoping me.
i've read that the misids are canibalistic so it's hard to keep them alive and i've read that they only become canibalistic if you don't keep them well fed wich i think you'd want to do if your useing them for feeders.
from what i've read on here the only peapole who had sucess raising the babbies are those who had a ready suply of mysids.

I can get Mysids but don't know how they would fair in the 55 gallon fuge. If anything i'd feed them with Cyclop-Eeze. If they would thrive in my fuge then i would order loads of them. So i'd have enough time to order more...
At the Seattle Aquarium, we put live brine in the breeder net with the babies. Not sure if they receive other foods as well. Good luck.

As far as i read live brine isn't enough to keep them alive but maybe i'd use them between times i run out of Mysids. I may alternate each week between the two, shrugs.
I will also be testing out Molly fry raised on a diet of cyclopeeze, Nutramar OVA, oyster eggs, Dan's feed and nori. Not sure how the molly's will work but spearing fry work great but are seasonal and only work if you are close to a source (bay, canal...)

Figuring out a quality food source that's easily obtainable seems to be the biggest issue trying to keep ceph's! Hopefully with the help of this site and other's like it we will figure it out soon!
Munnid Isopod's is the closest I've come to maintaining a culture I can raise S. Bandesis on. The trick is to get the ceph's on shore shrimp as quick as possible.

Thats an interesting thought! I could breed Mollies but i don't know if i can breed them quick enough to have a stable food source. Also i know i got Munnid Isopod, i use to see them all the time but lately i don't see them. There in there, i guess there really lost in the macro, lol