
New member
55 gallon tank- 20 gallon sump (wet-dry)
7 hours on-full spectrum; 2 hours actinic. 9 hours total.

-1 chalk basset
-3 blue chromis
-1 yellow watchman goby (he never comes out)
-1 dotty back (psedochromis)
-1 blood shrimp
-3 large turbo snails & several other smaller turbo snails
*hermits also in tank*

-1 rose bubble tip anemone
- 1 frogspawn
-1 set of blue & orange zoanthids
-1 set of green button polyps
-2 mushrooms
-1 acan frag

So we just bought a small 3" yellow tang. Floated for 15 minutes and used drip method to acclimate him properly for 55 minutes. Now he is in the tank, no lights on. Wondering what anyone recommends on these tangs? Any advice ?
Just too small. We had a Yellow in a 55 and he suffered from Lateral Line, which is caused by the stress of being confined. Had him for years, but he had some growth issues and never got very big. This was long before any real information.
Any advice ?

The first piece of advice is to research an animals needs before you add it to your tank. The second piece is to quarentine new additions.

Since we're past those options, you're best course now is probs to return the tang and read up on some of the common disease symptoms so you'll know what to watch for in the remaining fish.

Here's some basic info for new reefers, there's a section on tangs and one on quarentine also:

And here is some basic disease info:

Good luck!
Any advice ?

The tang thanks you for asking and hopes you listen to all the good advice above.

I hope you will continue to ask questions on RC if you are unsure. This is the place to benefit from the collective experience of your fellow reefers.
Advice? Oh so you want advice...
1. Don't always believe your local fish store
2. Research first before putting it in the tank
3. Never put tangs in tank 55 gallons
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Thanks for all the wonderful advice, although I wasn't expecting to get ripped a new one. I was here asking for advice because that's what the forum is for, and I get basically told I am an idiot when I'm honestly just looking for some help. People are so rude- any who moving on.

Tang is doing fine. Eating well, and swimming happily in the tank. We are planning on upgrading to 100+ gallon tank within the next few months. We're testing our skills out in the hobby, obviously we still have a lot to learn. Our tank's taken a **** on us a few times already and we're doing better than ever in the learning experience.

As for the blue and orange zoas, our ph was down and we recently just fixed that issue. Our coral's are just finally now opening up. Will get some pics of our tank for those of you who are actually interested in recommending good advice.

thankssssss -carlss.
Honestly I didn't read a single rude response and am sorry if you felt that is the way anyone was treating you.
It is hard to offer advice when we know that the advice is for the best but goes against what the poster actually wants to hear. No one wants to be told that they've done the wrong thing by their tank or fish, it's hard to say and hard to take.
This is a learning hobby: always more to learn.
With that in mind, you really should read and learn about ICH which is most likely problem you'll have with your new addition.
Best of luck and welcome to the hobby.
Thanks for all the wonderful advice, although I wasn't expecting to get ripped a new one. I was here asking for advice because that's what the forum is for, and I get basically told I am an idiot when I'm honestly just looking for some help. People are so rude- any who moving on.

Tang is doing fine. Eating well, and swimming happily in the tank. We are planning on upgrading to 100+ gallon tank within the next few months. We're testing our skills out in the hobby, obviously we still have a lot to learn. Our tank's taken a **** on us a few times already and we're doing better than ever in the learning experience.

As for the blue and orange zoas, our ph was down and we recently just fixed that issue. Our coral's are just finally now opening up. Will get some pics of our tank for those of you who are actually interested in recommending good advice.

thankssssss -carlss.


You have been a member since July. Just starting in the hobby. Ask for advice on what to do with a tang. You get the advise form people with years and years of experience and decide screw them, what do they know, they just want to rip me a new one. i will keep the dang tang and if, as it grows, it doesn't do well, well it is just a dang fish - easily replaced. Heck it might live 2 years before the stress of the environment does it in and then you can just get another little one. It is not about you being hapy it is about the fish and us being a good caretaker. You wouldn't try to stuff a Grat Dane into a dog house built for a cocker spaniel

Read this and learn.

You got an inappropriate fish without researching first and that is not an unusual newbie mistake, we would just like to see you correct it. You asked and we responded correctly Your tank is plain and simply too small for that fish. < that dot means PERIOD
Liveaquaria is a good place to get info on tank size for fish. They recommend a minimum of 100 gallon for that fish, although I've seen a lot of members here who have them in tanks slightly less in size. Definitely 4' minimum tank length.
Don't get upset at the advice given.
You asked and it was provided.
I didn't see anything that appeared rude to me, just more experienced folks trying to help.
We were all new once and are just trying to get you past the 'first steps' without making avoidable mistakes.
Don't let us keep you from asking questions. Just be prepared to hear things you may not want to hear. But try to listen anyway.
Anyone who posts to your questions has likely been there and done that.
Best of luck!
I can't be the only one who saw this coming a mile away.
I mean, you're either asking for advice, or you're trolling. If it's the first then you're welcome and if it's the second then I give it a 2/10, even for an aquarium forum that was subpar.
Does anyone else want to tell them to return the fish to the store and research before purchasing? I think the horse is still breathing.