The tang police is in full effect lol ! I think keeping the fish in there is fine if you will upgrade to a bigger tank later on, that shouldn't be a problem. I heard those guys like 6 feet plus of horizontal swim space so look at a 125 long or a 180 would be nice. Me personally I think it's still silly to say don't keep the fish in there it's cruel when these fishes swim for hundreds of feet in the wild yet if we cram them in a 180 everyone says it's perfectly fine.That whole argument is funny to me but I'm not here to debate that. If you like the yellow look try the yellow coris wrasse it's a beautiful fish and more vibrant than the yellow tang. Also another cool looking fish is the flame angel it's a gamble because some can pick corals but it's a cool fish. A more persuasive reason to use for removing the tang is that it's a big fish and can add to your bio load since your keeping corals it might make your nitrates reach undesirable levels so cautious with that as well. All in all its your tank so you can keep whatever you choose if that's what you want then go for it. At the end of day I believe everyone here is trying to give you the best advice possible to have a good and balanced ecosystem but we all have our own opinions so take everyone's advice the way you see fit. Good luck with everything and best of luck moving forward

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A great yellow fish is a Midas Blenny. It will quickly become a tank favorite in your house as it is in mine and everyone who owns one.

Good luck with your tank, but be prepared to hear nothing but brutally honest replies from people on here. We have nothing to gain like an LFS does, they are after your money, we just want you to be successful with your tank.
think that was published when i was in high school.

Yeah. Liveaquaria used to have a smaller minimum size, like 75 or so. I guess they learned more about the fish, I mean I doubt they were like "wow! We are selling way to many of these tangs! Let's figure out how to make less $!"
Yeah. Liveaquaria used to have a smaller minimum size, like 75 or so. I guess they learned more about the fish, I mean I doubt they were like "wow! We are selling way to many of these tangs! Let's figure out how to make less $!"

Well if you buy a small yellow or even s hippo and just go by the size it does seem like it fits in a 55. But when you watch how nerves the fish acts and you watch a hippo or yellow in a 265 you see the difference. So you learn as you go sometimes even the experts still continue to learn

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