New to hobby

Welcome. So tell us your plans like what size tank and sump? What do you plan to keep such as fish only or reef? What do you already know?
welcome , dip everything before put it om your tank and save yourself a headache šŸ˜

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Thanks! I have a 125g tank and 20g sump. I haven't started yet and don't know much at all. I am aware that saltwater tanks are very time consuming and can be expensive but I'm up for the challenge and learning. I plan on starting with fish and then doing soft corals.
Welcome! It's a wild ride. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are some serious veterans on here who are very helpful.
Go slow. They say nothing good happens fast in this hobby and it's very true. Almost anything can be waited out, but moving quickly has gotten me in lots of trouble in the past :)

Good luck! It's really not difficult if you take things one step at a time, be patient, and read a lot.
Welcome! And i'm sure it's been said but... take it slow, don't rush and dip, quarantine. And do your googling and reading and ask questions and the water quality will be A-ok. Lol