New to LEDs

^^^What he said^^^

Lighting designed for freshwater tanks generally will not have the spectrum that reef tanks need. Even if it costs a little bit more, it will be worth it in the long run.

For a 5' tank, three might be enough, 4 would be better if for no other reason than the fact that you will be able to run them at less than full output and therefore will get a longer life from them.
^^^What they said^^^

I've tried several of the cheap black box fixtures over the years. SOme work well intially some don't. None I've checked are actually running at the wattage they say they are. They may be using 3 or 5 watt leds but they are not running them at the wattage they say they are. I also would run them on a separate manual timer. I haven't had one yet that didn't have problems either not working with wifi or resetting it's intensity or changing it's time sooner or later.

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