New to mantis


New member
I will take some time to read over some of the posts however I had a few questions for getting started.
I received a mantis shrimp for free in a 10 gallon tank. I have been doing reefs for a long time but this is my first mantis.
My questions are
What kind of salinty?
what kind of food
are they compadible with any other inverts,fish, or corals
are they tolerant to lighting
and what temp is best for them?
I know they can be vicious predators can I feed them feeder fish? Thanks
Standard salinity
Any kind of meaty, solid food
corals are okay (in my experience) but anything moving is fair game
yes, tolerant to lighting, they'll hide anyway
not just feeder fish, a variety of foods for best health.
I put a hermit in there to see how it does. I hate to put hermits in there because I still need tons for my 125. Oh well I want to keep this guy happy. He hides all the time I am hoping to get a real good look at him. Thanks for the input. I read some of the info on that web page ( thread at the top). But it is also good to hear from some other hobbiests.