New to MH & SPS,Which Bulb?


New member
I have a 75G tank that is 1 year old. Slowly converting to SPS over past 4-5 months. Was running T5HO lighting with fairly good results. Last week got a great deal on a Coralife Pro retro fixture for $200 new in box. It consist of 2x150W 10,000K HQI and 2x96W actinic 03 PC. Well finally got lights installed in hood and find I hate the color of the MH bulbs. They are a yellow/green color. What brand bulbs would you recommend to give a more crisp/light blue color that will also promote good growth? Do you think the current new Coralife bulbs will lose some of the yellow/green color as they burn in? Thanks for any help.

the 10K bulbs will probably get more yellow with burn in. Bulbs tend to shift towards that end of the spectrum.
The problem you face is that as you go to bluer bulbs (12K, 14K, 20K) you will lose intensity, and with your 18" deep tank, you may be limited as to what you can keep with 150 watters.

Some suggestions for bulbs would be the 14K Phoenix or the XM20K. Phoenix is definitely crisper blue than what you have, but not as blue as the 20K XM.

I have the Coralife Aqualight Pro 36" fixture over my 70 gal LPS / Zoo tank. it came with the same 10K you have, plus the PC actinics. i swapped the bulb out for the Coralide 20K ( which I'm not thrilled with, but is tons better looking than the 10K) But I can say for sure that there is no way that I could maintain decent color and growth in SPS under this unless it was in the top 6 inches of the tank.

Just my 2 cents.


I would have preferred to use 250W MH fixture but the price of the 150W fixture was to good to pass up. I am strongly thinking of replacing the bulbs with the 14K Phoenix. Tony I have seen pics of your tank/corals and they are beautiful! I was getting good color with the T5's, had 6x54W with individual parabolic reflectors. I can always go back to the T5's later as will be keeping the kit just in case I want to change back.
I have to say from experience that I don't agree 150 HQI being problematic over 18" deep with higher K. My friend has 2-150 HQI XM 20k's over a 36" deep tank and his SPS are growing FAST, a bonus with the higher K bulb is that it usually encourages nice coloration. I do prefer the look of XM 10k and VHO actinic, but by no means would you be limited with a 20k 150 HQI. However don't expect fast growth from ALL your SPS, those that like higher intensity may stall, but I really don't think they would die. Water quality, stability and good current are higher on the list of priorities than light. I would use XM 20k's in your canopy, but expect to change out bulbs every 6-8 months. If you stay with 10k you could do it at 12 months