New to mushrooms


New member
Hi Guys,

I just got my first mushroom about two weeks ago. It was just a simple, probably "common", loose mushroom, but I have to say that I love it. I managed to get it attached to a rock and have it in an area that is fairly low-ish on the flow so it doesn't blow its.... mushroom (disk? polyp? flap? hood?-ness) around.

Anyway, it seems like it has grown already! It was fairly decently sized when I got it - probably just larger than a fifty-cent piece, but now, in this short amount of time, it seems to just stretch bigger and bigger over the rock I put it on - I'd say its probably as big as a softball.

Its kind of a metallic teal color with the actinic lights on (or when it has shrank/retracted for the evening), but during the day, its more of a reddish color. Any idea of what kind of shroom this is?

Aaaaanyway, in my short time of reefkeeping, I've pretty much decided that mushrooms (and zoas) are my favorites and will probably focus my attention on those - especially while I'm still using the stock lighting on my 29 gal. biocube.

The purpose of this whole thread is actually to ask a question - are hairy, rics, and/or yuma mushrooms all pretty much the same as far as hardiness goes?

Also, is anyone specifically feeding their shrooms? I've purchased some Phytofeast stuff (in the refrigerated section of the LFS), but wasn't sure if anyone recommended anything specific. I want these guys to be big and healthy!

Thanks :)
I actually bought it as a "loose" mushroom. Then I just placed it on a smallish rock (about 3" x 2") and moved it around the tank until I found a place where it didn't seem to disrupt the edges of the shroom too much. Then after a couple of days, it attached itself. :)

I've heard you can use some sort of veil-type material to wrap around it and the rock to keep it secure until it decides to "stick". :)
Hmmm. Mine is stuck on like a small piece of branch rock from the LFS but my snails hit the branch rock some times and turn my shrooms over lol.. I was just wondering how to fix this problem. How to make my attached shroom come off of the branch rock!
Hmmm. Mine is stuck on like a small piece of branch rock from the LFS but my snails hit the branch rock some times and turn my shrooms over lol.. I was just wondering how to fix this problem. How to make my attached shroom come off of the branch rock!

ricordea yuma a more prone to melt than ricordea florida. harry mushrooms are the hardiest out for the three
Hmmm. Mine is stuck on like a small piece of branch rock from the LFS but my snails hit the branch rock some times and turn my shrooms over lol.. I was just wondering how to fix this problem. How to make my attached shroom come off of the branch rock!

If you can't take the rock you want to glue it to out of the water there are underwater epoxies as well. I had to use them on all my frags, the snails and hermits were relentless.
By your discription im guessing these.... Am i right?

If so be careful how you place these , as they grow fairly quickly and will over take a area
Yes! That's it exactly! That is just what it looks like under the actinics, but its definitely more red during the daylight hours.

Thank you for posting that photo - can you tell me the name of those beauties? And I'll use caution should it start developing into too many mushrooms (but at this point, I'll be excited to see another one pop up!) :)