new to nanos/corals


New member
hey all i just wanted to know what would live ok in my 5 gallon nano it has 26watts over it and extrealy good filtration/water movment that is ajustable.

thank you o and with there names a possible pick to help me. thank you again. o one more thing im a biggener so nothign to advanced please.

lol once again thankyou
I would try a couple of Mushroom corals (Actinodiscus) and maybe some Green Star Polyps (Pachyclavularia). These are easy to keep and do well under moderate lighting.
I have seen a 5g nano with a 70w 20k metal halide lamp that was quite impressive.

Yes...more light would not hurt.
Even lower light corals like Mush and GSP do even better under better lighting. I would look into a small MH.