New to photography - Reef Shots


New member

I have a Canon 450D and a 18-135mm lens. Ive really only started out so learning all i can. Below is some shots i've taken of my 100l nano, none are pin-sharp, that's the bit im having issues with :( Any advise would be great :)

They aren't too bad. First turn all your pumps off and allow things to settle. Make sure the lens is perpendicular to the glass. I don't know what your settings were, but maybe a smaller aperture, (higher number), for a bit more DOF. Did you use a tripod?
Get down to about f9-10. Get a tripod. That lens really isn't a close-up lens. A true macro would also help.

Sure, im tempted on a sigma 105mm macro f2.8 lens but also wondering about changing the body too... Budget isnt great so using what i can...

I think you did a great job considering you were hand held! A tripod would definitely help here. Again, I think you got pretty close to nailing focus on many of these. Keep up the great work.
Spend the money on the lens, not the body. You can always keep the lens when you upgrade the camera down the line.
But I think now it's kinda old one, why not upgrade about the camera and lens both?
Go for a newer one.
Thanks for the kind comments, yes id like to upgrade to full frame also when i can afford to do so.. Id have to sell some corals first!

Few more shots... Not got a tripod yet but ordering one at the weekend.



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Get down to about f9-10. Get a tripod. That lens really isn't a close-up lens. A true macro would also help.

I wonder if I take a topdown shot with a coral viewer, it is hard to use a tripod to help. How do you do it to insure sharp pictures?