New to ReefCentral... here's a pic of my nano reef :D


New member
This is my 10 gallon nano reef tank! Just about 1 year old. Definately jam packed with life! No skimmer and no sump or refugium! I just keep up with water changes! Two 20watt compact flourescent bulbs and a hamilton blue LED accent lighting strip. 240gph Koralia powerhead, Tetra submersible heater, Fluval 205 (up to 40gals) canister filter (all media/sponges removed except come carbon) I love my tank!
15lbs of live rock and a 1 inch deep black sand and agaronite mix sandbed.
Fish and Inverts: 2 Oscellaris Clownfish, clown goby, two spot blenny, skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 left heanded hermit, 1 electric blue hermit, 1 blue legged hermit, 10 assorted snails, coco worm, purple/yellow feather duster.
Coral: Kenya tree coral, short tenticle plate coral, 2 frogspawn, purple/brown zoas, eagle eye zoas, orange bam bam zoas, colt coral, blue anthelia, hammer coral, devil's hand, trumpet coral.
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very nice looking tank... love the low-tech approach.

Thanks, yea, it's super easy (and cheap) to do it low tech and the corals and fish stay just as happy and healthy as if you had a bunch of expensive equipment as long as you do it right! Can't keep SPS because of my lighting though, but I love the softies and LPS more anyway! :P
I have to agree with both of you, I like the tank and I dig the "low-tech" approach. I say if you have the passon, and drive to keep beautiful creatures in your home then you can find a way to do it. I realize this can be a very expensive vice to have, but I dont see why it HAS to be as expensive as some people have made it out to be. With some love and a lot of work you can have a beautiful slice of the ocean, a piece of artwork and or elegant piece of furniture sitting right in the middle of your house for your enjoyment. And if you are keeping the creatures healthy and happy, I say why spend the crazy amounts of money? I think you have done a great job and Im sure you enjoy every second of it. Keep up the good work and thanks for the picture!