New member
Just bought a 150 gal tank, and the gentlemen gave me a yellow Hawaiian tang and a blue hippo tang with it. Unfortunately it is going to take a month to get the 150 completely torn down cleaned and built back up, so I got a 30gal tank to house these guys while waiting. they were doing great for 2.5 weeks, then the blue hippo developed the brown yellow patches on his side that he itches. I feed TDO Pellets and Nori twice a day, checked for leaking voltage in the tank, 78 degrees, 75% water changed almost every other day working through getting the cycle up and running, can’t keep nitrates just keep running, use RODI water /Salt. So not sure if this is HLLE or something else. I just ordered Brightwell vitimen M and selcon, but hoping somebody here can provide insight if I am on the right track. I also just installed a wave maker set to low. The yellow tang seems to be just fine.