New to Saltwater and RC!


Okay, so I am a newb to marine aquariums. Lots and lots of research. But i've finally reach a question that is a bit difficult to research. So, I thought id ask!

Okay, so i've been getting a list together of some really cheap materials to get my first tank going. I am rather poor ( College student :D! ) But all the build threads and stuff here is so inspiring that I just have to get one going, even if it wont be nearly as pretty!

Question #1: I got my TDS meter today and i have a RO system that came with the house we live in. We recently just changed the filters, but it is kind of an older system. But the TDS meter read at " 032" PPM. My tap is over 400! my well water is around 5 or 7? I dont remember it was crazy high.

So, I know a lot of people say "go to 000 ppm". Do you think if i add a DI unit to the existing system I can go from 30 to 000? Or do you think 32 ppm for FOwLR okay?

#2, Sand. I was up till 2am last night seeing what is affordable. I originally thought about getting some beach sand during low tide, but most of the opinions on beach sand was "2,3,4 or 10 miles out is the only decent sand". So, I was thinking about play sand that (hopefully) has some fizz when i do some vinegar tests. Theres some bags of live sand on craigslist for 15 a bag which is good, but can't beat 4 bucks for 50 lbs.

I am sure there are more questions, but im in the process of getting a 20 gallon tank from somewhere and turning it into a sump. I dont think a 10gallon is big enough for me :D.

Thanks everyone that helps me out. :inlove:

Theres so few people around that are into aquariums. Everyone is down south!
Add the di. Get zero TDs or you will be fighting algae all the time.

Also go to craigslist and search for a complete set up. You'll save a fourtune and get a lot of stuff.
+1 to add DI. Sand- do not go cheap here. Sand is where good bacteria grows. If you do buy a tank off craigslist- replace the sand or you will have a nightmare on your hands.

The real investment is time and husbandry. Remember we are trying to create the ocean in our homes. This is not an easy task. You will need to invest 2-3 hours per week plus time to daily feed, evaluate, and dose your tank. Live rock is the key to any tank as well as a good protien skimmer. Get those two right and you will increase your success rate tremendously. Also, Get close to FMAS and fellow reefers as they will teach you all the tricks they have learned the hard way. Research on fish and coral selection as this will make your life happy or miserable. Good Luck!
I live on craigslist. At one point, I have checked it every 30mins or less when I missed a great opportunity for a free tank.

Unfortunately, the tanks that are"complete" arnt so complete or cost a lot more than starting up my own. There was one earlier in the week for 150. It was perfect, but was sold already. Others are 900 bucks or something silly. They are either trying to make profit on their poor systems or trying to get half they money back from the investment when having a tank that is poorly taken care of.
I've bought 2 complete set ups on cl. I never rush into it. I like it better when they sit for a week and I buy cheap. I kept what I wanted from the set up and parted out the rest.

You can reuse sand. The way you do it is to wash it out. You stir it it several times and take out the water, skim it and do it again. Use rodi water and keep doing it till your water stays clear.
Yeah. I already have a tank sitting around I was going to use. It is a 45 gallon or so I originally got from cleaning out a house. It was my first tank. Honestly, If I knew some people in the hobby around me, i'd like do them favors or work for them for like a couple lbs of rock just to get me going :). Im well aware of the patience part, but sitting at an empty tank in my living room is sooo depressing sometimes :).

I am pretty much DIY everything to save as much money as I can. But, if I get lucky and snag that lucky craigslist ad about getting out of the hobby for a reasonable offer, I think I might take that. But for now, theres not much under 200 bucks ( Which is pretty much my limit).

My question is, how do I find clubs and stuff around me or something to get involved with others in the hobby? There is a "palm beach" thread, but there is zero activity there. Its all here in the southern one. Which in reality, I wouldnt mind going down south to have some fish talk. Nobody here understands me! Friends are always saying " You have too many tanks already. You dont need more!"

The struggle lol.
Hey Necro,

Welcome to the hobby.

I have a 65 gal tank and stand I was going to post on craigslist for $300.

I'll let you have it for $150 and I'll even included sand and rock if you're ready.

PM me if you're interested. I'm in south beach.
Tdhnry! Thank you for your generosity. I'd like to PM you, but since im also a new member i cannot PM until 10 posts minimum. I am going to message you in a few minutes after I go comment on a couple other posts.

Thanks so much!

PM sent. Thanks
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