New to Zoas, not fully opened?


New member
So I got some zoas a couple of weeks ago. I placed them on the sand bed for about 2 weeks, then moved them up about 3" bc the seemed unhappy.

When I first got them they opened up....then most of them sort of closed. They are still mostly closed after the move, but I believe slightly opened up a bit more than before.

no amn/nitrites/ nitrates
Salinity:1.026 refractometer
Alk:9.3DKH,3.31 meq/l
PH:7.75-7.88 BRS lab grad PH meter.
Temp 78

My tank is sort of weird atm. Some of my SPS and rose corals, are doing awesome,some are closed up...some died. This leads me to believe light or flow....but I am really just hitting me head against the wall since some stuff is doing so well.

Any ideas? The white spots are sand specks, not pox.

Here is when I first got it

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What type of light are you using and what type of flow do you have on them. Also your Mg is low, that needs to come up to around 1300-1350. Also I have found that my zoas do a little better in dirter water meaning some nirates in the water, midway the tank and good amount of flow. PH is not concerning in that range but it needs to come up gradually to at least 8, IMO.
Ok, I corrected some issues.

MY Kalkwasser had lost potency. No idea how I missed that... :( stupid.

I was also using older test kits; I received new ones and the test results are below:

PH 8.0-8.12

MG 1400-1380
KH: 10.9 dkh
CA:410 ppm

For my flow I have a 60g cube tank, MAG7 return running at about probably about 400gph and a mp20 running on the lagoon setting at about 60%. I will say I don't know if I have enough...or two much. I guess the best thing would be to take a video.
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I would maybe give them a little bit more flow and see how they do. Usually with Zoas without enough light they will open up and you can see them stretching for more light. I think something might be irritating them. You might want to take a flashlight couple hours after the lights go out and see if you see any pest around them.
Ok, I took a better pic, silly blue lights mess up everything :)

The white specs on it are sand from my clowns liking to make holes in the sand. Zoomed in you can see a thin coat of algae. Snail was on it earlier.

Here is the tank....

algae could definately irritate them. You could try to remove the algae with soft bristle brush or tweezers. If its too hard to remove manually you can look into dipping them in diluted hydrogen peroxide. Read up on it before you try it. I have done it a few times and haven't had any negative effects.
algae could definately irritate them. You could try to remove the algae with soft bristle brush or tweezers. If its too hard to remove manually you can look into dipping them in diluted hydrogen peroxide. Read up on it before you try it. I have done it a few times and haven't had any negative effects.


Do you think a lights out for a couple of days would work as well? or would that be more of a shock?
Lights out for a couple days wouldnt be a problem at all for zoas but I dont think it would help.

+1 if only your zoas are bothered by the algae just dip them or manually remove. They bounce back from the peroxide dip really fast, just read up on it before you try it.
So Last night I did my first dip. I did a 25% solution, and only dipped for just under 2 minutes. I really didn't see anything odd come off of them, other then what I thought was just small debris. I could definitely see a film of algae on some.

I thought it was interesting that all of the pods were open, ever so slightly(could see the colour tendrils) about 20 minutes after. previous 70% of them were all closed up tight. Wonder what that means? They are all closed up as I type this, but the lights haven't come on yet and they seem to close up at night.

I read a lot of people saying there is no need to overdue the dip bc you can dip again if the first one doesn't do the job.
