New Tunze 6105 not working


New member
I just purchased a second Tunze 6105. Upon hooking it up it doesn't turn on as supposed to.

I am controlling the pump with an Apex controller.

If I am holding the pump, I can feel something inside of it clicking as the controller turns the pump on and off, but the impeller does not spin. If I tap the back of the pump, sometimes the impeller will spin for a few seconds and then stop.

I plugged my original 6105 into the new power brick and controller outlet from the Apex and it works as it should.

It feels like the impeller is sticking in the new pump.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide :hmm5:
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Have you opened the pump and removed the drive unit? It could be that some debris from shipping and packing as jammed the pump. They add a small amount of glycerin for a dry test run and if it got cold this can also crystalize and jam the pump (5ml of 20% glycerin are used), I would remove the drive unit and rinse the pump and see if that solves it. I would also try it without the Apex to rule out a controller connection issue.
Thanks Roger.

I have removed the impeller and looked in the shaft, it seemed to be clear. I didn't notice an easy way to remove the pump module from the back of the housing if thats what you mean.

I have tried without the Apex, and no luck there either. The clicking I can feel when touching the pump makes me believe something in there is stuck. The impeller did look clean.

I will check this again when I get home and try to make sure its thoroughly cleaned out.
Their is nothing else that should be opened, it would also be worth trying the drive unit from your other pump, sometimes the magnet of the drive unit has a crack or the fit on the shaft is too tight, the drive magnet is the only moving part.
This worked like a charm. I did find some gunk in the shaft, and was able to clean it out. It has been running all night. Thanks again Roger!!