new way to kill aptasia


New member
Ok guys im not sure if any1 has has mentioned this before but itested my new idea on 37 aptasias and it has worked. For all you guys who have aptaisia on prize corals and zoos or on little rocks.... just super glue them and they never come back i have done it to 11 of my frags and its been 2 weeks and my zoos are perfect and just about to grow over the hardened glue!!!!!!!!!
Well i hope this helps some people
That idea has actually been around for a while sorry :) It's more commonly used on other pests like hydroids and I've used it myself with great success before.

This thread should probably be moved to the appropriate forum though, since it has nothing to do with corallimorphs.
i though of posting it here because aptasia grow anywhere and everwhere......... crallimorphs are mushrooms correct? i have used this when aptasia grew on my colonies on m ricordieas and rhodactus mushrooms, i would remove the thread from here if u want.......... i just dont know how
No need to now probably, since you just tied it into corallimorphs :)

I guess it's up to the moderators to decide if they want to move it or not. I was just thinking it would be more useful in the beginners forum where more people would see it, since we don't get as many visitors here in the corallimorph forum.
superglue is notoriously hard to work with underwater. it solidifies all around the outside so it doesnt stick to anything. any other suggestions?
I want your pests

I want your pests

Yes, I am insane....but: I am looking for the colorful bubble tipped aptasias. I culture individual ' pest' species in species only tanks for my "hobby". Will also take other unwanted pests such as crabs, rock anemones, etc. I also have good size macro collection, but if you have something really out of the ordinary there I'm open. I pay shipping of course and will actually BUY your pests. (at pest prices of course :)