I bought my wrasse Saturday. Everything looked great last night. By noon today she was dead. She was located directly below my propeller pump wedged under a little rock. Her tail was perfect last night and there were no marks on her body. Any opinions on these pictures?
Did you QT? IME, wrasses can be delicate shippers and require a proper QT. I use a small rubbermaid food storage container filled with sand for them to sleep in while in QT.
I also bought a matted filefish that was going through QT with the wrasse. It was a small rock about two inches long and maybe an inch tall. Maybe the current pushed him up against it. The tail was perfect 12 hours before and I'm wondering if he got into the propeller pump at all. He was eating fine last night and was very active. The filefish shows no signs of disease.
The Tamarin wrasses are a difficult species to keep. I've always found better success buying two, they usually have a greater survival rate. They dont necessarily have to be paired. Normally the anampses wrasses are peaceful from my experience.
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