New Zoas


New member
Not the best pic (phone)... but here is a rock with two mini colonies that I picked up last weekend. I looooove them! :)


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Seen those types starting to come through in LFS in Australia, they get collected around the Northern Territory near Darwin. I have them, they are a good grower.
Seen those types starting to come through in LFS in Australia, they get collected around the Northern Territory near Darwin. I have them, they are a good grower.

Really? That's cool...

I really like the colors of these - of course better in person than in the pic - and so far they're doing great. Better than many of my "named" zoas. I've been told by several fellow reefers that a lot of the wild or no-named zoas don't do as well as named varieties since they haven't been propogated for hardiness and such. Have any of you had that experience?
Really? That's cool...

I really like the colors of these - of course better in person than in the pic - and so far they're doing great. Better than many of my "named" zoas. I've been told by several fellow reefers that a lot of the wild or no-named zoas don't do as well as named varieties since they haven't been propogated for hardiness and such. Have any of you had that experience?

Well, it all depends on the adaptation process and colony size IMO.
All my new mini colonies are wild and they do great.
On the market...
The wild polyps come in and get chopped into one or two polyp deals. That's a lot of stress to start with! Then, after the pictures on their web sites, the polyps get shipped before they react and will have to get used to another different system when they arrive at the customer's tank. It's just too many changes for the polyps in a very short period of time.
Even the healthy bigger colonies have to suffer shipping and adaptations, so...
The tank propagated polyps need to deal only with the shipping and one adaptation process, if they're growing for months in the dealers' systems.

I simply let mine rest against the rocks I wished them to colonise a couple months later they were attached, I sold the mother colony off to a mate- I now have 12 of the purple and green like yours. I also have pink centre and orange centres that look like yours in a zoa puzzle of four morphs of this type. I love them and can't understand how they sit at the LFS for two weeks. :)