Newbe and octo


New member

I am thinking about getting a octo for one of my tanks....

Can some one tell me;

Are there any good books that explain IN DEPTH about keeping octo's?

Is a 3gallon too small? If not what could be put in it?

What could be put in a 10 gallon long?
Or in a 20gallon?

I am thinking about getting a CB pygmy or CB Bimac..
Will George Noni's Sucking shrimp work for these two?
Is it possable to feed a CB Frozen foods?

Out of the tanks above (3, 10, 20gallons) what would be the best for a pygmy? and for a bimac?

Also, Dose any one know of any LFS's that sell CB octo's in Ohio or Michigan?

Thanks I know its a long list but I want to be sure I know what I am getting my self into before I really consiter getting one of them...

Crash Yim
I did some more reading and have desided to go with a pygmy but for a newbe what would be the best pygmy octo?

i dont have any experience w/ octos yet but i visit and reefcentral's cephalopod forum usually and i think its much better to buy a bimac. I read pygmies dont live long, just few months and they are nocturial will come out at night. If i were you, i would go w/ a cb bimac but i guess smallest tank size for a bimac is 55gal so you need a bigger tank.
Yes I know about TONMO and I know that pygmys don't live long. And at this time I don't think I want a bimac yet.

But thanks:)
Mecatoris would be the species you are looking for. Life span typically 4-6 months. can get them from They list the mecatoris as joubini but they are different species. GL and get a larger tank than anticipated ceph are messy creatures and need lots of water to dilute discharges such as inking.