Newbie needs help with programmable logic


New member
Hi everyone,

I just took receipt of a new 3.1N and hooked it up with my wife on Friday evening. Figured out the illumination and basic functions very quickly - and am very impressed. Then I ran into a roadblock:

Here's my issue - I have my Return Pumps 1 & 2 connected to PAB Socket 1 (tank is an RSM 250)
Heater is connected to PAB Socket 2
Skimmer is connected to PAB Socket 3
Spectrapure ATO system connected to PAB Socket 4.
Socket 5&6 are currently blank.

I've gone into maintenance 1 and named that as my Water Change and it turns off Socket 1, 3, and 4. Perfect.

I'd like to delay the start of Socket 3 for 3 minutes after water change (so my skimmer doesn't go crazy) and Socket 4 for 5 minutes after water change (gives time for all the water levels to settle). Essentially, I want to delay the start of pumps AFTER Maintenance 1 has ended. I've tried about 40 different configurations and never get the delayed start - please help me correct what I'm doing wrong.

If anyone could walk me through this logic that would be great. Screenshots are an added bonus! Thanks in advance for your help - and please keep in mind I'm a programming idiot so please feel free to talk down to the most basic level.

BigAl07 referred me over and said that this team is a bunch of guru's when it comes to the GHL.
If you go to the GHL forums, it states how to do this. I also have a 3 minute timer delay on my skimmer and it works fine.
I've been all over their forum. Could you place a link to the specific post? I'm glad you have it working as it proves it can be done. That's why I've asked for help - I can't figure it out.
Resolved the issue through trial & error. Assigned sockets 3 & 4 with the following logic:

Input: Maintenance 1 (inverted)
Delayed on

Tried it several times with varying smaller time increments and it consistently worked. This little box has a very steep learning curve.