Is there a website for this club? I couldn't find it on google
Man, I was hoping for an actual club that gets together like twice a month, frag swaps, that kind of thing
It's still possible. How many do we need for a meet? Half a dozen guys?
I dunno, man! What if we need a tie breaker?
It seems like you and Gary have a tie. Let me break that for you by voting for a weekend.
More seriously, Saturday afternoon works best for me. It may be helpful to post pics of what we will bring to the meet.
I can't take photos right now (lights out), but here's a list of what I can bring: green/pink frogspawn, fluorescent green pipe organ, fluorescent green polyp toadstool, fluorescent green hydrophora, pulsating xenia, colt, tan bird's nest, blue SPS, purple SPS, orange-ish pink shroom.
This can also be a family event, I am married and have a 9 year old girl.