Next Club Meeting - Wed Sept 17th - 7pm DFS Coral Farm


Do you see me SMIZING?
Hi All - I talked with Steve and he said it would be great to hold the meeting the coral farm next Wed. Let's try to do a pot-luck because that was always so much fun when we did do it! I think we had more attendance, too...hmmmm :)

One of the main goals of this meeting is going to be to get some structure & goals going so the club continues to grow & thrive. Hopefully all club officers can attend. Of course the other goal is to have a good time!

If people would like to arrive at 6:30 to wander around the Coral Farm, that would be ideal. The "Official" meeting will start at 7pm in the break room.

I think it would be cool if we could also still try to work in "meetings" at members homes so we can all see their tanks, etc. Shannon & John, I know you had both volunteered to have meetings at your homes, so maybe we can really set those in stone at the meeting next week?

Thanks everyone - looking forward to seeing everybody. :)
