next meeting for maybe both groups to come together and work out stuff

next meeting for maybe both groups to come together and work out stuff

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Chris I think its great you want to be one group. I think we may want to wait for some more things to start coming together(with CMAS) so we have something to more discuss and know what we need to start doing to make it happen. I also think you guys should pull back the reins a little on your club if you are planning to get on board with those of us who want to pursue a chapter of CMAS. It seems you are doing a lot of work and we could really use that kind of effort, I'd rather have you with us united and that effort geared toward setting up this chapter of CMAS. It definetly seems more beneficial for everyone invovled IMO.
That said, if a meeting happens before we get any CMAS info together I'll be there.
Yeah, I will attend all meetings of all clubs in NWI and will join both if two end up forming. Shouldnt be too hard to get word from somebody at CMAS. Rich said he would do some footwork there.
I thought that we should try to get a meeting together and see if the majority in NWI wants 1 club, and if they want it a CMAS chapter or a non-cmas chapter. Unless we can just do that here or on

1 club, CMAS chapter, when the time comes we branch off and stay in touch with our CMAS friends.
thats my vote.
just one question no need to argue. but what does everyone think is the difference between a cmas chapter and being our own. the only thing i can see is that they have more money then us.
no i wasn't but what do you mean by infrastructure. also I'm not trying to start fights this are questions that i have. because whether we start are own thing now or later we have to start at the beginning. That is all Im asking.
I'm down with meeting up again.....who wants to host this time? Should we go somewhere instead?

We can talk more about this. I have my airplane club this thursday, but anything else works.

p.s. he was an Airman.
i just mean they have many things already in place and established. things no club the size we have now could dream of having available to them. I guess i am wrong, you have dreamed some of these things up(you are very ambitious), but with their support they can be a reality much sooner. I am going to bed now, check back tommorrow evening, i hope others enter this discussion and offer some opinions.
I think CMAS has about 400 members. CMAS already has a large number of corporate sponsors, and CMAS already has *LOTS* of money in the bank to fund club activities. Like Joe said, they've already got the kind of infrastructure in place that we can only dream about.

As it turns out, many of the people here in the Calumet Region of Illinois and Indiana who have been talking about forming a local club are already members of CMAS, myself included. The common feeling among most of the local reefers seems to be that West Chicago is kind of far away, which limits the appeal of CMAS to many people in our area. Its pretty far to drive for meetings and events, so we want something closer. This has led to a feeling that the people who have joined CMAS aren't getting as much out of their membership as they could otherwise get if it weren't for the geography problem. Similarly, the geographic boundaries have made some people pass on joining CMAS because they think the club is too far away to benefit them.

Based on what Rich told me, it seems that CMAS has a method in place for people on the outskirts to encourage CMAS to do more in their area. All that we have to do is organize local people who are already in CMAS to form a CMAS chapter. By doing that, we can encourage CMAS to sponsor more events in our neck of the woods, while taking advantage of the benefits that a club with huge membership can offer.

When Rich originally suggested the idea of forming a local CMAS chapter, I though he was joking. I didn't realize that the infrastructure was in place to make this sort of thing happen. As a CMAS member who lives on the fringe, I really like the idea of encouraging a club that I already belong to to provide more services in our neck of the woods. How can we lose?
For those of you who missed the meeting at Scott's on Saturday, I'm putting together a phone list for reefers who live in the area. If you'd like to be included on the list, send me a PM with:


I'll update the list as needed, and forward a copy by email to everyone whose name is on the list.
You guys know CMAS doesn't do group orders don't ya?

I think it's a bad idea to be a part of CMAS, but you all can do whatever you like. :)
CMAS doesn't promote group orders. Also they ask that no members start a group order. That doesn't mean that no member can join a group order. They do that to be fair to their sponsors. Most things that a group order is for one of their sponsors can get and sell. Most sponsors were willing to do group orders and would most likely give the same price. Then there was the "how do we make that fair to all the sponsors?" Have a round robin with the group ordereing. Didn't seem like that would really work out. So the over all vote was to not promote group orders to try to be more fair to the sponsors. That was the one meeting I actually went to.
CMAS won't help out, as Boyd is not interested in doing this. Also a person who is involved in the fish business cannot organize a club, as no business will support a club run buy a competing store. Also the turn out for CMAS meetings is lousy, I have been a member for years and you're lucky if 35 people show up. Just quit with all the bs club stuff, cards, etc. why can't some grown adults just get together and enjoy a similar hobby. I have seen countless attempts at a NWI club, and they all have failed miserably. Save yourself the trouble.
Too late, NWIMAC is already a club, we have a "forums" and club cards and members, store sponsors with discounts and have had 1 meeting already and another in the works.
if we can't hook up with CMAS then screw it, I agree we should just get together informally. If the club succeeds then thats all good too. just keep posting get togethers here so we all can stay in touch!!!