I have the plans complete for all the equipment for my 120 gallon 4' tank. Thanks to everyone who offered me advice. I have a plan for corals but I am still trying to finalize my fish. I am looking for some feedback on my ideas. Below is a list of fish I am looking at, the number and the order I was thinking of putting them in.
Chalk Bass Serranus tortugarum 3 (I like these)
Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica 1
Sleeper Banded Goby Amblygobius phalaena 1 (Not sold on this one)
Snowflake Ocellaris Clown Fish Amphiprion ocellaris 2
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish Ptereleotris heteroptera 3
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas 1 (This is for sure)
Pyramid Butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys polylepis 1
Dispar Anthias Pseudanthias dispar 3 (Not sure about Anthias in general)
Foxface Lo Siganus vulpinus 1 (Really want this one)
Green Reef Chromis Chromis viridis 3 (Not a gota have)
Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens 1 (I was told we have to have one)
Yellow Eye Kole Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus 1 (This one is my choice)
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura 3 (I like wrasses but I am not sure which ones)
Yellow Coris Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus 3
I got conflicting information so I took these two off the list but I really like them. Any feedback on keeping them with the fish above?
Coral Beauty Angelfish Centropyge bispinosa 1
Two Spot Hogfish Bodianus bimaculatus 1
Thanks for all the help
Chalk Bass Serranus tortugarum 3 (I like these)
Firefish Nemateleotris magnifica 1
Sleeper Banded Goby Amblygobius phalaena 1 (Not sold on this one)
Snowflake Ocellaris Clown Fish Amphiprion ocellaris 2
Blue Gudgeon Dartfish Ptereleotris heteroptera 3
Midas Blenny Ecsenius midas 1 (This is for sure)
Pyramid Butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys polylepis 1
Dispar Anthias Pseudanthias dispar 3 (Not sure about Anthias in general)
Foxface Lo Siganus vulpinus 1 (Really want this one)
Green Reef Chromis Chromis viridis 3 (Not a gota have)
Yellow Tang Zebrasoma flavescens 1 (I was told we have to have one)
Yellow Eye Kole Tang Ctenochaetus strigosus 1 (This one is my choice)
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura 3 (I like wrasses but I am not sure which ones)
Yellow Coris Wrasse Halichoeres chrysus 3
I got conflicting information so I took these two off the list but I really like them. Any feedback on keeping them with the fish above?
Coral Beauty Angelfish Centropyge bispinosa 1
Two Spot Hogfish Bodianus bimaculatus 1
Thanks for all the help