Nicest angel ive seen

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11964384#post11964384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
ilal remember we are only scratching the surface. There's plenty of critters ut there that command a much more expensive price tag. u just don' see them in the usual and customary sites.

I remember seeing a discussion between some people in the forums here. I think it was you and some other people, but it was this uber rare angel, and it was sold to a specific Japanese dealer who moves a lot of those high price ticket items. I remember the price being around $10,000. Maybe higher. I think it was a black and white looking angel, but you're the expert on angels, specifically on the high $$$ ones :P
Genicanthus personatus !
The white and black masked angelfish is certainly one of the world's rarest coral reef fish. One kept hawaii (waikiki)
Recently one besides the one at the aquarium was collected and sold in Japan most likely for over 10k.

Yes we are only scratching the surface.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11969509#post11969509 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Yea that's the one I was talking about. I'm only slightly surprised that you remembered.

It was a nice fish....
Erick that is my favorite fish of all time.
Will get to see him soon(waikiki)
Last Personatus which was caught sold wholesaled for 10k and I heard it sold for over 15k and that was a female (female = uglier)!! They are caught in 400ft of water and only in one specific island in Hawaii so yeah as Manny said its just the surface!

They can be found in as little as 40ft of water but those areas are protected and only waikiki has been given permission to catch a pair there. There was an incident were some people in a sailboat caught around 16 in the preserve area but they were caught and almost all the fish died prior to being re-released because they were not decompressed properly.

But no worries if you want to see one, I am sure Manny will have one soon ;-)
Also clarions are so expensive because they are protected in mexico last i heard so im not sure how this one was legally collected. They are perfectly legal in the US just illegal to catch in Mexico.
Actually the last personatus was caught on Oahu in about 250' of water. It was a male (white & yellow) and wholesaled to Japan for $5k.

I believe the first one caught was off Waikiki in less than 100'.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11976235#post11976235 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pactrop
Actually Copps was on the boat when the personatus was caught.
I did enjoy the whole thread from John- actually had the oportunity to talk to him about it- after a frag transaction.
Great stuff man.:R. Feldman- friends with local friend has told me some of the stories.
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