niger trigger help please


New member
I have purchased a niger trigger and he seems to just stay hidden sucked up in a rock. Wont come out under any circumstance. In the tank i have 2 damsels. a four stripe and a yellow tail. the yellow tail picked on him when i first got the trigger. So what i plan on doing is getting rid of the damsels and then rearrainging the tank. I am trying not to stress the trigger too much. should i remove all of the rock so he cant hide and let him get aquanted with free swimming in the tank and then introduce the rock back in to the tank? Im clueless what to do.

by the way its a 75 gallon fish only i use lace rock and ph is 8.2 1.024 78degrees.
How long have you had it? Nigers tend to be on the shy side as far as triggers go. Heck they are shy compared to most fish. My niger took about a month to come out of the rocks . It's been about another 3 to get it to hand feed. I would just leave the tank alone and keep an eye out to make sure that theres no fighting going on. But everything should be ok.
