night time polyp extension


Premium Member
used an LED flashlight from the front of the tank, and took this pic.......amazingly clear. this shot turned out better than any of the others i took of this coral with the lights



unfortunately, i didnt get any other good pics.

at night, the only sps polyps that look good with an LED light are green polyps. and i only have 1 other sps that has green polyps but its so far in the back of the tank its hard to get a shot of.

most sps polyps (blue and purple) look blah at night.

i'll see if i can do it later this week though.
thanks for the comments everyone.

its still a little small to be fragging... ;)

it used to be completely purple, but then most of it started to fade into brown. and then i moved recently also so i'm sure that didnt help.

i've never had much success in getting tri-color type (valida/nana) acros to color up and grow well. not really sure why that is. they don't do poorly....they just dont color up real well. all my other sps are singing and growing great.
Nice shot. I'm guessing you had a better shot because with all the lights off and just the white LED flashlight, the camera's automatic exposure and white balance had an easier time deciding what to do.

I am curious though... why did you decide to use f/13 and ISO 100?
You didn't really need a big DOF, and ISO 100 is not for lowlight stuff.
Is it because you wanted a long exposure?