Nikon D80 lens suggestions


New member
I have a D80 with the kit lens 18-135 and I would really like to get tighter/macro shots of my zoos. any suggestions on what is the way to go as I have very little DSLR experience. But I am learning

Sample of my closest shots cropped

That looks great Dave. There's only so much you can do with the kit lens. Don't expect a $100 lens to take pictures as well as the $800 105mm VR. Generally what I'm finding is to put it in manual focus mode and start taking pictures one after the next and slowly move through the focus from cloudy to clear to cloudy. Then pick & choose the best one on the PC.
You can get great macro shots with the Nikon 60mm Macro, the Sigma, 105mm, 150mm, 180mm, Tamron 90mm etc. There are 100's of lenses that'll do the job. How deep is your wallet?

One thing I've noticed about photography... it costs a lot of money. Need a tripod? $1000. Need a new lens? $800. New camera? $1000. Bag? $120. Memory? $60. UV filter? $99. You're going to use that lens for what? No no, you need a (fill in the blank) $600-1500. It's silly and endless. Get good with what you have and then think about upgrading.