Nitrate Dosing?


New member
My macro's are starting to show what I believe are the symptoms of nutrient deficiency, I had a bottle of iron/mag supplement sitting around so I started dosing that and it helped my reds a bunch but my caulerpas are slowing down and starting to get GHA growing on them. I plan to get a nitrate test kit today since I suspect they are starving but I had some questions in regards to Nitrate sources.

Tree stump remover: Why are people using it and where to get it?

Flourish Nitrogen: Has anyone used this? Normally its for FW planted tanks but I did not see anything about not being able to use it in SW.
Well that awnsers one question, ran nitrate and phosphate tests. Nitrates are at a whopping 0 and phosphates are at .25, gonna see if i can get some stump remover tonight and start dosing.
Home Depot was a bust but Lowes had plenty, Mixed 1 1/3 tablespoons mix with 12 oz RODI and added 12.5 ML's last night. Will check Nitrate levels again this afternoon
Flourish Nitrogen: Has anyone used this? Normally its for FW planted tanks but I did not see anything about not being able to use it in SW.
We use flourish (actually glutaraldehyde now) in our planted fw tank. I haven't gotten a straight answer on what it does, but it does work as a (weak) alternative to co2. If it works by providing a readily available source of carbon, this may feed the bacteria more than macroalgae. If this works by creating co2 specifically, you may not need it (I'd track your co2, o2 or pH) .