No acknowledgment on my Cyber Monday order JBJ Chiller


New member
Hey Guys, I called you twice. Once I was told I would have an order acknowledgment in my email at the end of the day (wednesday of last week). I call again on Thursday of that week (cyber monday week) and you guys said you were behind. I have a pretty hefty charge on my CC from you guys, yet I don't have anything from you saying you have the order, order number, shipping, nothing. Either give me an order number, expected ship date, etc. or un-charge my card until it happens. I don't want to cancel the order but It's not right you have my money and I have nothing from you guys. I got boned once before on an order from you. I took a chance and ordered again from you guys since I know things just happen, but C'mon. :headwallblue:
I apologize about the delay in getting your account updated with tracking number. All chiller shipments from last week are on the way and tracking numbers are posted in each account. If you are still missing your tracking information, please email me your name or order number and I will get back to you right away.

Albert Andrasz